Among the Fields
Nowadays, the majority of young people dream of living in big cities. The content presented to us in the media has made us think that great happiness is found right there and has made many people who lived in the outskirts and were engaged in crafts, agriculture, or farming, leave their native hearths and go to the metropolises, chasing the dream of fame, fortune or simply for a better life. Madison is one of the few young girls who decided to stay in the village and work on her father\s farm. She thinks it\s better to live here than in the city, as her friends did, relying on all the advantages that living here offers like freedom of movement, clean air, and a less stressful lifestyle. Madison feels very happy on her farm, but she admits that sometimes the responsibilities can be really big, so she needs our help to finish everything on time and with quality.Let\s learn more about life on the farm and help Madison in her work.