Fading Trails
We know that police and detectives are the ones who solve criminal cases, but sometimes can become targets of criminals and criminal gangs. Detective Gregory was on an undercover mission, and everything seemed to be going well until suddenly all trace of him was lost. He was last seen in a small hotel located next to the highway, and it is not known what happened to him. Detectives Jason and Heather, along with their team, arrive at the small motel and hope to find out more about what happened to their colleague. They are willing to investigate all aspects of the case and collect all available clues and evidence to come up with something that will lead them to their lost colleague. Let\s get involved in this investigation and try to find out what happened to Detective Gregory. Here are the detectives Jason and Heather who will guide us in this whole case, but together we will complement each other to find out the truth about the whole situation.