Fear and Suspense
Have you ever thought that someone is responsible for the occurrence of all negative phenomena? That someone might have brought fear to the people and made them afraid. Or maybe it has brought sadness, anger, and other emotions? It sounds strange, but it seems that certain spirits are responsible for the appearance of fear...however, let\s start from the beginning. Doris arrives at the Castle of Fear. She is here with only one goal - to find the amulets that are hidden right here. Wondering what those amulets are? Well, those are some special amulets that make people fearless. The spirits deliberately hid the amulets here in this castle, to scare the people away from the castle once and for all. Are you also afraid of the castle or are you ready to go there, together with Doris, and find these special charms? On our way we may encounter all kinds of things, so let\s be ready to face the ghosts and the obstacles they will put in front of us.