Witchwood whispers

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If someone belongs to the world of the paranormal and the unusual, it does not mean that he does not have his fears and dilemmas. The same thing happens with wizards and other creatures that cause us to fear, like witches for example.Today we will meet the witch Ava who lives deep in the forest in her mystical property. Ava\'s property is really strange and unusual, and probably any of us would be confused at first if we found such a place. But something started happening at this property that scared even its owner. Recently, Ava has been listening to a lot of scary whispers during the night. Because of these voices, her sleep is interrupted. She is afraid that evil spirits from the neighboring forest want to haunt her and force her to leave her property. It seems like a serious threat, so Ava has to do something about it.Let\'s see what is happening at Ava\'s property and find a way to solve this problem.



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